DSST: Can I Have Pancakes Even Though I Just Binged in NJ a Few Days Ago?
It’s now time for another episode of Dumb Shit I Said to my Trainer
Daniel texts me to schedule our next training session for Monday, which we confirm for 9 a.m. and then…
Daniel: See u then! Someone asked you at 24 if you cheated?
Lisa: YES!!! (Several people, actually. My diet cheating is becoming notorious it seems.)
Daniel: So I read! How is your diet?
Lisa: I’m sticking to the schedule and the meal plan
Daniel: Perfect!! Your weight staying the same?
Lisa: Will check now. I weigh 111.
Daniel: That’s perfect!! I want you to stay around there for now.
Lisa: Ok…can I eat pancakes tomorrow?
Daniel: No!!!!!!!! (Eight exclamation points, really?) You’ve already lost that right. You could’ve if you didn’t have that weekend. I didn’t expect you to eat like you did in Jersey. So, no, but I figured ud know the answer.
Sometimes I ask him stupid shit just to see how many exclamation points he will write after he says no. 😉
The End.
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