Free Giveaway – To Rescue a Witch

Hi everyone!
I’m giving away 100 copies of my book on Goodreads. Here is a link for your chance to win:
The giveaway ends on Monday, March 4, when my book, “To Rescue a Witch” is available for sale on Amazon. I’ve been working on this story since 2020 and it has always been a dream to publish a novel. Here’s the gist:
It’s 1739. An abused girl accused of witchcraft must be rescued by a man married to an actual witch.

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know that every year for my birthday I do something to scare myself. I’m thrilled the book released happened so close to my 50th birthday, cause, let me tell you, publishing my first historical fiction is about the scariest thing I’ve done so far, and not why you think.
The writing part was incredibly fun. But doing all the marketing stuff on my own? Yikes! I’ve written and published a memoir and a children’s book, but never really had the time or money to promote it. These past three months I’ve done a deep dive into learning about book funnels, keyword optimization, book review sites and even taught myself how to create a book trailer with royalty-free music. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks 😉
One of the biggest eye-openers was learning how important book reviews are not only to sales but to the Amazon algorithm. It makes sense. If you’re searching to find a pair of snow boots are you more likely to buy the one with 2 reviews or 20,000 reviews? So, if “To Rescue a Witch” sounds like your kind of story, please buy my book and post a review. (Kindle is $4.99 and paperback is $11.99) As an indie author, I’d greatly appreciate it!
Once the book launch settles down, I’m going hardcore into training for my next bodybuilding competition and I’ll get back to my typical health-wellness posts. Thanks for indulging me!
Lisa 😉
Copyright (c) Lisa Traugott 2024. All rights reserved.