The SLI Method

This weekend my friend/client Shannon and I led a seminar about nutrition using the easy to follow system I created called the SLI Method™.
What is the SLI Method™?
The SLI Method™ stands for She’s Losing It Method, which is basically everything I learned about nutrition and fitness by doing close to a dozen bikini competitions, broken down into bite-sized nuggets to deliver results.
The SLI Method™ is made up of three parts:
- Belly
- Body
- Brain
- Eat like a bodybuilder! I’ll teach you how to eat clean
- Sample meal plan included that can be customized to meet YOUR fitness goals.
- Diet secrets to make your tummy look flatter without starving yourself or doing crazy yo-yo diets
- Strength training (broken out by muscle group)
- HIIT training (to torch fat)
- Workouts to do on your own
- Kick “overwhelmed” to the curb! SLI Method™ shows you how to break it down into bite-sized planning
- Hacks for sticking to your meal plan when you’re just not feelin’ it
- Gain self-esteem and confidence by holding yourself accountable
That’s a ton of information to cover, so the seminar on Sunday just focused on the first part: Belly.
We started with the basics: A food journal. It showed everyone what they were eating and when. Food journaling is the first step of mindful eating.
One of the most eye-opening parts for the group was seeing how many calories and how much sugar can be found just in drinks! We noted that the packaging often has misleading statements like “33% less sugar than other brands” to make you feel good about making the purchase, but the reality tells a different story.

Lots of us had tried pre-packaged plans and frozen diet TV dinners, but when you stopped buying the “food” you were at a loss as to what to do next.

That’s why in the SLI Method™ we go old school and cook our own food. I showed everyone the basics about portion control and food prepping, let everyone have a peek into my pantry and had everyone make their own healthy food using recipes from my blog.

Participants got a Thirty-one thermal (to take all their prepped food with them to work or on the go) and tried samples of clean food to show that a) it tastes good and b) it’s pretty darn easy to make.

The seminar was so much fun, I’m open to doing it again in the future. If you have any questions about the SLI Method™ let me know and I’ll try to answer as many as I can in future blog posts.
I know what it’s like to feel frumpy, depressed and embarrassed by your weight. I also know how to turn it around so you can get your groove back. Trust me, if I can do it anyone can.
Lisa 🙂
Want to Train with Me?
Local to Austin/Round Rock/Pflugerville? Email me – I offer personal training sessions at a private gym: 5 sessions/$250. That includes a customized suggested meal plan. Spaces limited!
If you are interested in signing up for my online personal training programs, click here to order now: SLI Method. Monthly online training is $125/mo. and includes a customized suggested meal plan plus weekly workouts to do on your own based on the equipment available to you.
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, published author, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX! (c) 2012-2018 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.