
Shocktober. noun. That feeling you get when you’re already overwhelmed and then realize that Christmas is in 8 weeks.

I’m not sure how or why it happened but every weekend this month is filled with Girl Scout events, volunteer work, client reschedules, paperwork due at work and a model of a volcano due. Also, my kids had a birthday party for the dog.

I had so many good intentions for the new school year. I’m homeschooling both kids (#Crazy) and was planning to teach them Spanish and take field trips to museums every Friday. That so did not happen. I did take a homeschool road trip though, which was pretty awesome. We drove from Austin, Texas to Washington DC and back, stopping along the way to visit historical sites and learn about the American Revolution and the Civil War.
My idea was that we would take the pictures and make a scrapbook and that I’d blog about it. But it ended up being a pile of ticket stubs, museum maps and journal entries on loose leaf notebook papers scattered throughout my home office. Every time I think to myself, “This is the day I will get everything done!” something interrupts my grand plans.
The Halloween decorations (aka spider web cotton on our shrubs) were put out two weeks ago, but I still haven’t gotten around to buying pumpkins for outside, or putting away the costume boxes hanging out in our front room.
Christmas decorations are staring me down at Walmart and I avert my eyes in denial because I’m not ready to even think of navigating travel to visit family on two coasts. Also, I’m reminded that I haven’t completed my New Year’s Resolutions/Birthday Scare goals from this year and time is running out.
On the plus side though, I figured out how to make a meme. I’m very proud of myself as a middle aged women. At some point* I will conquer GIFs.
Also, I started getting my kids excited to do a mud run this spring. They did the Spartan Kids two years ago and since I’m not doing a bikini competition until next year I don’t have to worry about twisting my ankle or beating myself up. (Not that I want to twist my ankle, but if I did a strict bodybuilding diet for 7 months and then had to drop out the week before the show because I was on crutches, I’d really beat myself up.)
And I’m also excited because I’m going to have a boot camp Saturday mornings in November. I’ve been having fun writing up workouts and thinking of creative uses for medicine balls.
Anyway, if you are experiencing Shocktober too, just know you’re not alone. I feel your anxiety.
Hang in there.
Lisa 😉
*I will never conquer GIFs.
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Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, published author, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.