Getting Back to Normal

Did you ever notice that if you take a vacation for 9 days it takes you at least a full month before you’re unpacked and back to normal? Or maybe it’s just me.
Personally, I like getting home a day early so I have time to do all the tedious things likes laundry and food shopping without being rushed. Yeah, that didn’t happen.
We got back from Costa Rica Sunday night, well technically Monday morning, at 1 a.m. Then I was up to be at the gym at 6 a.m. and get back to work training my in person clients and preparing meal plans and exercise plans for my online clients and in between managed to pick up my car from the shop, the mail from the post office and my dog, Bruno, from doggy boot camp.
I started unpacking today (Wednesday) and it seemed like there were more suitcases in the closet than there should have been. That’s when I realized my husband never unpacked from our trip to Galveston in June. Doh!

Getting back to the gym is pretty for me (that’s the fun part after all), but getting my food back on track after being in Costa Rica for over a week requires more effort.
For your reference, the final weeks before a bikini competition involve eating a diet with very limited complex carbohydrates and absolutely no sugar or alcohol. After winning the show…well…I’ve been celebrating with complex carbohydrates, sugar and alcohol, lol. Also, just about every meal in Costa Rica included beans and rice, which was delicious but made me feel slightly bloated with all the extra water weight.
This week I’m slowly returning to my normal foods, starting with my favorite off season stuff, like sweet potato pancakes with berries, Greek yogurt and more fruit. I’m back to drinking water again, but haven’t made it to a full gallon yet. I’ll make it happen by week’s end. The green beans are cooked but honestly they haven’t made it to my mouth yet. (It’s a process.)

While there never seemed to be quite enough time to go through all the mail or mop the floors or finish (start) my Girl Scout leader online training course, there was EXACTLY enough time for me to binge watch Game of Thrones to catch up on all the episodes. #Priorities
At some point I will do a post about all the crazy adventures we had in Costa Rica, but for now I’m determined to unpack before Labor Day.
Lisa 🙂
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Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.