Wonder Woman Week & Competition Prep

Ever since I got my first pair of Wonder Woman Underoos in the 70’s, I’ve been a fan. (Of Wonder Woman, not necessarily Underoos.) It’s actually pretty surprising that Wonder Woman never had her own movie until now. Well, I guess it’s not surprising, just sad, but better late than never. The movie is probably too adult for my son, but my daughter might like it, especially since she’s all about girl-power and we studied World War I in homeschool this year.
To celebrate the movie, this week I’m focusing on topics ranging from women’s health and empowerment to going up, up and away at iFly Austin, so stay tuned for future posts.
Competition Prep Update
I’m now officially seven weeks away from the Costa Rica competition and it’s getting real! My passport arrived, I’ve been practicing my poses and my new bikini will be sent to me next week. Yikes!
My meals right now are mostly comprised of fish and asparagus. I eat more asparagus in one day than most human beings eat all year.
This weekend was filled with a lot of temptations. On Friday I went to a graduation party (I brought Quest Oreo Cookies protein powder) and this weekend my daughter had her Girl Scout Sea World trip. Again, I brought protein powder for its portability and ease at being allowed into theme parks, but I have to tell you it was rough watching everyone eat burgers, popcorn and chips in front of me.

To get me through it I just reminded myself that I would be standing on stage in a bikini in a few weeks and that I could have the mother of all cheat meals after the show. That helped. Also on the plus side, it saved me like $18 in inflated theme park food prices.
Sunday we took our puppy, Bruno, to dog training school. He learned a few tricks and the trainer assured us that we could potty-train him in three days with consistent, concerted effort. Hopefully it will be easier than potty-training my son, because that almost killed me.

Tomorrow I have a new client starting, so that’s going to be fun. It’s been a good week for my clients; all of them have either lost weight or gained muscle so people are pretty happy.
Since I’m in the final weeks of competition prep, I’ll be posting more and more sweatie selfies on Instagram and my Facebook page. I’m kind of looking forward to the actual competition where I get to be glamourous for a day.

I have to give a shout-out to Kim Kardashian, who has way more selfie poses than me, the one-flex wonder. I tend to hide in the changing room to take the pics because I always seem to have some goofy expression on my face. This is just further evidence that I am not a Millennial; I’m Generation X and we need other people to take our pictures.
Different subject entirely: I’m thinking of dying my hair blue. Or purple. Not the whole head, just the ends because it’s different and I’m getting really bored with my ‘do. Also, I want bangs again because they’re cheaper than Botox. What are your thoughts? Blue or Purple? (I will go back to conservative blonde after the competition.)
How about you? Are you working on your fitness goals?
Train With Me
If you are interested in signing up for my online personal training programs, click here to order now: SLI Method.
Local to Austin and want to train with me at MVP Elite Fitness? Email me at sheslosingit.net@gmail.com.
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!!
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Hair color depends on what the new competition bikini would go better with I would think!? Don’t want to distract from all your hard work so Ive read
True. My bikini will be purple.