Competition Prep Update – 12 Weeks

Shoot, it’s already almost 11 weeks out by the time I’m able to write about week 12 of my bikini competition prep!
Countdowns always begin on Saturdays, because that’s the day when most bodybuilding competitions are held.
Week 12 started off for me by going to Houston for two of my client’s competitions. (They won 2nd place! You can read about it here: Transformation Competition Winner).
If you’ve never been to a bodybuilding competition, you should check one out. It may not be your thing, but it certainly gives you an appreciation for how much a person can sculpt their body just through diet, exercise and some supplements. (This is a drug-tested show, y’all; no steroids!) It made me excited to get home and lift some weights and focus hardcore on my diet.
Speaking of diet, on Sunday I attended a fascinating discussion at Infinite 8 Fitness about the metabolism hosted by the local No Excuses Mom group and led by two researchers from University of Texas who also were bodybuilders, Ahmed Ismaeel and Edwin Davila.

There was a workout before (my daughter came with me and tried out some barbell upright rows) and the discussion followed. I asked a lot of questions about reverse diets to counter the effects of yo-yo dieting and learned more details about how fat-burners and other supplements worked. I’ll have to do a separate post about it, because they gave a lot of really useful information.

Since my weekend was gone, Monday was going to be my day of total kick-assedness to catch up on grocery shopping and assorted errands while my daughter was in a co-opt class. Sadly, it was not to be. My hybrid car decided to die in the middle of the road. It also happened the one time, THE ONE TIME, I left my cell phone at home by accident. Fortunately, several people offered me use of their cell phone and two guys helped me push my car to a safe spot. My husband and his friend Brian helped me get it home. But hey, at least it didn’t die on the road home from Houston!
On Tuesday the director of alumnae outreach from my alma mater, Muhlenberg College, came to town. We caught up on things while my daughter did gymnastics and I gave him five bags of goodies for student giveaways, including my books “She’s Losing It!” and “Mind Your Manners Minnie Monster” and some t-shirts.

My trainer, Robin, has been out sick most of the week so I’ve been working out on my own. My car was repaired pretty quickly and I was able to food prep up a storm.
My client roster is picking up now for summer, so I’m also working on meal plans and home workouts based on the tools they have at home (i.e. – dumbbells, resistance bands, stationary bike, etc.) and pretty busy with my volunteer work too.
The thing I’m most excited for though is the Mother-Son dance at my son’s school. My husband always gets to do a Daddy-Daughter dance so it’s about time I get one with my boy! He has already told me that he plans to carry a light saber and I need to wear a dress.

This weekend I’ll be doing some major spring cleaning and practicing my posing routine. Yay!
Have a great weekend.
Lisa 🙂
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Lisa 🙂
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.