Competition Prep Update – 13 Weeks

It’s 13 weeks out until my next competition, a Musclemania / Fitness Universe bikini competition in Costa Rica.

Yesterday I drove to Houston (2.5 hours each way) to take a two hour posing workshop with Christine Anderson and her team, and I’m glad I did. My bikini and theme-wear routines are now set and it’s all about practice-practice-practice!
My cowgirl costume (that’s my theme) needs a little work. And by “needs a little work” I mean “it’s totally wrong for the stage and I need to find a costume.” But I know that I want to be a cowgirl and have figured out my posing routine. Yeehaw!
In terms of diet it’s crunch time y’all. My trainer, Robin, just gave me my new macronutrients (break down of protein-carbs-fats) and I’m busy playing the IIFYM game.

To explain: IIFYM = If It Fits Your Macros…then you can eat it. This is what I pull out when I want to justify eating peanut butter on toast. There have also been times when I calculate the carbs in Hershey Kisses and eat them before a cardio. Because even during competition prep sometimes you have to feel like a rebel.
The more immediate thing coming up though is that I have two clients doing their first show this weekend!! I’m so excited for them! I cannot even begin to tell you how many text messages have gone flying between us this past week. It’s really fun for me to see competition prep from the trainer side as I do my own prep as an athlete.

Last week I finally (!!) got all the passport paperwork filled out for me and the kids. It took over two hours to process! There were forms which had to be filled out twice since I used blue ink and they would only allow black ink. This, to me, seems like a really stupid rule. What’s wrong with blue ink? I mean sure, red ink or yellow highlighter or invisible ink from some smart alec, sure, ban that. But blue ink is too rebel for the post office? Anyway, the paperwork is done. Yay!
That’s the update for now. How about you? Are you working on any fitness goals?
If you are interested in learning about my online customized personal training program, or my 30 Day Weight Loss program click here to order now: SLI Method. Local to Austin and want to train with me? Email me at
Lisa 🙂
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.