Running With Children And Other Silly Ideas

Ok, so my husband and I were going to run 10 glorious miles through a hilly park I had visited once previously while our two children rode their bicycles alongside. I had visions of finishing in about two hours and then setting up my phone to take a video of the entire family running/biking over the hill by the idyllic waterfall. What could possibly go wrong, right?
“I’m tired” (we just started…). Rylee rode into a ditch. Little Henry wanted to stop to pick up rocks (and have me hold them). Big Henri was mad we couldn’t go faster. The bathrooms were closed.
My daughter sings a song at the top of her lungs. “Glory, glory, halleluiah! Teacher hit me with a ruler. So I hit him in the butt with a rotten coconut and that was the end of school!” (I can’t really complain too loudly because I taught her the lyrics).
Little Henry fell off his bike and then we got separated from Big Henri and Rylee. Which way did they go? “Mom, they probably went on the bridge.” “No, I think they would have gone straight. We still have two more miles before the turn around point.”
…and then we got lost (I think we passed the same spot three times). And the sun was setting (it’s even harder to find your way back in the dark).
“Told you we should have taken the bridge.”
I’m walking his bike and he begins picking up sticks and stones again. “Can you carry me?” (No.)
Big Henri and Rylee are back at the truck and he’s calling me. “Why didn’t you turn left at the bridge?!” “Well why didn’t you wait for me and Little Henry to catch up?!”
“Where’s the rock I gave you to hold?” asked my son (Um…it fell?).
Little Henry got a second wind, took off on his bike, and went so fast random strangers were calling out to him, “Wait up for your mom!” I pulled my calf muscle again with all the irregular pacing.
Big Henri calls again, “Are you coming back by way of Timbuktu?” (I hang up on him.)
We finally made it back as the sun was setting and hold up our #JJwillWalk sign. (My husband and I are running a half marathon to raise money for his best friend’s son, Johnny James Follis, who was in a car crash and is paralyzed from the neck down.)
I was hoping for a smiling family photo but in every picture at least one child made a goofy face. On purpose.
On the plus side we now had a funny story to tell as my daughter and I limped around selling Girl Scout cookies.
I guess I have to keep reminding myself that life is never quite as perfect as pictures on Instagram would have us believe. Going forward these are the adjustments I would make:
- Keep the run shorter, like 3-5 miles
- Both adults should carry a cell phone in case of emergency
- Go earlier in the day so no one is racing against the sunlight
- Let the kids enjoy the playground after the run/bike ride
- Arrange for child care when doing real long runs and keep the “fun” in family fun run
Also, even though I can joke about my goofy family and our attempts at fitness, I’m also painfully aware of a young man lying in a hospital bed who would give anything to be able to run like we just did.
We are running to raise money for JJ’s medical expenses.
Please donate what you can, and here is an update from his family:

“Hello All! It’s been a while, but don’t think for one second we aren’t continuing to cheer JJ’s recovery efforts. This kid is an inspiration. Not only do his physical therapists look forward to working with him every day, he’s got as determined of an attitude as you will ever see. He’s eating, breathing and talking on his own, and he’s building what strength he has every day. Some of the therapists have clearly stated most people in his condition don’t even want to do the therapy, so it’s truly inspiring to watch and listen to him. He’s literally doing everything he can to give himself every chance at mobility some day. He’ll be leaving the ICU after-care facility soon, and moving up to a specialized rehab facility in Carlsbad, so please continue to send him your warm thoughts, positive energy and prayers. He really appreciates all of it to no end! Thank you all so much!!”
Lisa 🙂
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, on FOX!!! (c) 2012-2017 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.