Lots and Lots of Bikini Pictures

“I’ve been following you all week on Facebook, seeing pics about NYC and bikini interviews while I eat ice cream, and I still haven’t seen your bikini! You showed a split second of it and then a picture of you in a vest (which was cute) and black socks (which I hope you took off.) Where’s the bikini pic?” said my friend at my son’s birthday party.
“And then you did stand up? When was this? When do you sleep?” asked another mom.
I have to admit, I felt very, very cool in that moment.
I will chronicle my week more fully in later posts but here it is in a nutshell: Between Wednesday and Sunday I was interviewed on Great Day Houston, flew to NYC for an on camera interview on Bikini.com, did a photo shoot with my BFF Deirdre Ryan http://www.deirdreryanphotography.com to showcase my Egg Whites International sponsorship,

told my transformation story Muscle & Fitness Hers (Aug. 24 issue), flew back to Austin that same day, did the Texas Shredder bodybuilding competition the next day, did five minutes of stand up comedy as part of my #BirthdayScare /bucket list before the night show and then had back-to-back birthday parties for my kids (Minions and Harry Potter themes.) And then school got out.
Ima post a few bikini pics so my mommy friends don’t beat me up.
Now, WARNING! WARNING! There are a few booty shots below so you can see the back of my posing suit. If you do not want to see my booty (I’m totally cool with that, by the way) then come back to my blog another day when I’m writing about clean eating or my kid’s Harry Potter party 🙂

The bikini was custom designed by Jodi Sturgeon and I LOVE IT!!! She is my posing suit sponsor and worked with me to make it green in honor of being on #TeamNoah (we wore green y’all) on American Grit.
Her website is http://www.suitsbyjodi.com and you can email her at suits_by_jodi@yahoo.com. If you mention my name #LisaTraugott you will get that cute bikini carry case in the video. (Here’s the video in case you missed it on IG).
Now, WARNING! WARNING! There is a booty shot below so you can see the back of my posing suit. If you do not want to see my booty (I’m totally cool with that, by the way) then come back to my blog another day when I’m writing about clean eating 🙂

You might also remember that last month I did another bikini competition and Jodi designed the posing suit for that one as well. I kept with the green #TeamNoah theme, only went for all out camo with a hot pink outline to make it pop.

Photo by Alfonso Aguirre Rocking Photography, Posing Bikini by Suits by Jodi
So for the Texas Shredder, this year they only gave out prizes for the Top 3, which, sadly was not me this time, but I did make second callouts which is respectable. And considering I was jet lagged and trying to memorize my stand up act while placing orders for birthday cakes, I’m totally cool with second callouts this time around.
I want to take a quick minute to thank Dave Goodin and Diana Hurley for letting me do five minutes of stand up before the night show,

my awesome trainer Robin Johnson Jr. for pushing me every day in the gym, my sponsors Egg Whites International (877-EGG-WHITES) and SuitsByJodi, the fantastic photographers who took these pictures, everyone who sent me good luck messages throughout the day and my husband and kids who were rock stars for dealing with my crazy schedule.

Ok, but what I’m REALLY excited about is my next competition. You know those Victoria Secret wings? There is a bodybuilding competition in Vegas where I get to wear them! OMG how cool would that be??? To pretend to be a Victoria’s Secret model in Las Vegas?!? I still have to sort out all the details like childcare and how to fit giant wings on an airplane, but that’s what I’m aiming for this fall.
Hope you’re well and talk to you soon.
Lisa 🙂
Interested in online training with me? Send me an email at sheslosingit.net@gmail.com
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT, starring John Cena, Thursdays at 9 PM EST/8 PM CST on FOX!!!
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2012-2016 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.