American Grit – Meet the Olympian David Neville

Only two weeks and two days until the premiere of American Grit!!! Perhaps you saw John Cena talk about the show yesterday on the Today Show. He talked about ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things and wants to see YOUR video or photo with the hashtag #ShowYourGrit. Tag him @JohnCena and me @LisaTraugott on IG post!
Now, I’d like to introduce you to my teammate David Neville. You might recognize him as the Olympic Gold and Bronze Medalist. Those of you who follow my blog know how much I hate running sprints, so can I tell you how flippin’ AMAZING it was to get tips from an Olympic Gold Medalist?!?! Aside from that, I want to let you know that his kindness and encouragement was so helpful and when I was feeling down on myself we even prayed together. He’s a really good guy and I can’t wait for you to meet him. So, in his own words…
So tell me a little bit about yourself…
I am a former track and field athlete who now coaches at the collegiate level. In 2008 I was the Beijing Olympic Gold and Bronze Medalist in the 4x400m relay and the 400m dash.

I grew up in Indiana just outside of Chicago where I fell in love with music. After winning the state championships and breaking the high school state 400m meet record in 2002, I went to Indiana University where I obtain a full scholarship and majored in Music Education. While in college I also answered my calling to the ministry. I turned professional after my red-shirt Junior year and went on to be sponsored by Nike running for 6 years. After graduating from IU in 2007 I married my wife Arial and we moved to LA where I trained for my track and field career. My wife and I served at our local church as the Director of Young Adult ministries, and I eventually served as the Worship Pastor. We moved back to Indiana where I am the Head Men’s and Women’s Track and Field Coach at Taylor University.
Why did you want to do American Grit?

I wanted to be part of American Grit because I wanted to push myself. I wanted to see how far I can go doing physical challenges that were not part of any previous training I have ever had. My father and grandfather were both in the military, so it was also an awesome opportunity for me to experience just a taste of what they went through.
What is your favorite quote and why?
My favorite quote comes from the Bible. And it is Philippians 4:13 that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I truly believe that there’s nothing that I can not accomplish when I have got on my side.

What is the best fitness advice you ever heard?
The best fitness advice I’ve ever received is that my success and accomplishments are 85% mental and only 15% physical.

Final thoughts?
I had an awesome time on American Grit, made friends for life, and can’t wait for the world to see! My website is
God Bless,
David Neville
Thanks, David, for sharing your story! And remember to cheer on #TeamNoah on #AmericanGrit every Thursday at 9 pm on FOX starting 4/14!
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two….and Original Cast Member of AMERICAN GRIT on FOX!!!
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