Weekly Check-In
Last week I invited you to create a fitness plan as part of the 30-Day Challenge. I’ve been getting lots of emails, comments, DMs and messages saying that you want lose weight, get back to the gym, train for your first bikini competition, quit sugar and get healthier in general. Good for you!
Having a plan is one thing; following the plan can be a challenge. So let’s do a quick check in:
How Did I Do
My goal is to build a better booty by my next competition.
Weekly tasks:
- Glutes work-out of 730 squats/day. Status: Done
- Practice posing 100 times: Status: Got 65 reps done
- Lose 1 lbs. Status…um, did I mention it was my husband’s birthday this week? And we had cake with a side dish of chocolate chip cookies? That I didn’t really share? (FYI – we made him 741 years old, ’cause we’re smart alecs).
Re-Assess and Adjust
- Posing – I only have 35 more poses to do and I’ll meet my goal. The day is still young. I will get to 100 today.
- Food – My clean eating food prep is done. The protein, vegetables and carbs are cooked and measured out and the chocolate is out of the house (because it’s in my belly, but that’s not the point, the point is it’s all gone now.) I will meet my weight goal by Wednesday.
Sometimes people think that because I compete all the time I no longer have cravings for junk food. I have cravings ALL THE TIME, I just use mental tricks to push past them most days. This week was particularly difficult for me because I finished back-to-back shows where my diet was very strict for months so I had a mini-food rebellion. It was very much, “I’m going to eat what I want, so there!” type thing.
My coach, Robin, said a lot of things to me after last week’s competition, but in my carb-depleted state, all I heard was, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, If you weigh over 115 we’re gonna have a problem.” See, I heard that part! So with the exception of post-birthday cake day, where I was 115.8, I’ve maintained my weight. (Trust me, you don’t want a problem with Robin. Did I mention that he has me doing 730 squats for the WARM-UP?)

So my check-in is good but not great. I will do better this week and really focus on my food.
How about you? How is your fitness goal going? Do you need to adjust anything?
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. Her book, “She’s Losing It!” is available at Amazon.com (and has a 5-star review rating!)
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Holy cow, for real 730 reps of squats? Was that a typo? How long does that take you? And what else do you do that day? Inquiring minds want to know….
Shurelle and I are just driving home from Vegas and the Olympia! Would’ve loved to have seen you there!
You guys went to the OLYMPIA?!?! That’s so awesome!!! OK, I will have to stalk you online to see all the pictures. I’d love to go next year; it’s so motivating.
Regarding the “warm up” – yes, my warm-up is a variety of squats and lunges with the total reps amounting to 730 because my trainer is mean. (Actually, I’m just trying to grow as much of a booty as I can before my next competition.) It takes me about 30 minutes to complete. This is followed by a strength-training workout of about an hour.
If my booty doesn’t round up after this I’m going to cry.
You’ll have to go next year. It was amazing! I wish I’d taken more pictures from the show or expo!! It was fun to meet a few of the competitors, especially when Emilia got to meet Nicole Wilkins, her idol. And yes, it was motivating!
Your training is insane! 730 reps, yikes! No wonder your legs are Rockin! Keep it up, girl!
It sounds like it would be so much fun