Sick Kids and Summer Vacation
Rylee has pneumonia. She had a cold that was on-again/off-again but when she came back from her best friend’s sleep over birthday party she had a fever. I took her to the doctor and he said, “it’s always the sleep over parties that throw them over the edge.”
We’ve been holed up in the house for a week now and we’re all going a little crazy. When Rylee realized she couldn’t go to her summer camp and Henry realized that we couldn’t go to the lake for the fireworks they both started crying in the doctor’s office. It broke my heart, but health is obviously more important than camp or fireworks.
We are making lemonade out of lemons. I told the kids they didn’t have to earn their TV/video time this week, which caused much needed celebration.

We’ve been cooking.

I’ve organized the pantry with cute Thirty-one boxes.

The kids have caught up on important stuff like watching episodes of Phineas and Ferb and organizing Rylee’s My Little Pony collection. (FYI – Pinkie Pie has to be the most annoying pony ever invented. Does anyone else side with me here???)

The laundry in my house is caught up and I’ve been lifting dumbbells in between, since I can’t get to the gym.

That said, I’m still going crazy and am looking forward to everyone being healthy again. I’m also looking forward to my Magic Mike pole dance party tonight at Bon Bon Barre.
For July 4th I told them we could set up the tent in the family room and pretend we are at the lake.
How about you? What low-key things do you do when your kids are home sick?
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. Her book, “She’s Losing It!” is available at (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Ugh! So she had the x-ray that showed it huh? Be careful, this opens her up to asthma. Jayden had walking pneumonia, in kindergarten remember? Then she got it again, coughing and fever and we get her back to the doctor’s. Nebulizer in the office helps her, and then home. Watch the fireworks from NYC on tv. HUgs and kisses(from faaar away lol) <3
I remember Jayden having that. Yeah, we watched the fireworks from the window over the rooftops.