Mid-month A** Whooping
I’m mid-month into a) my biceps competition with Obidia and b) training for the Southwestern Arial Championships and I’m getting my a** whooped on both fronts.
Bicep Boost
At the start of June my friend Obidia and I measured our biceps and decided whoever made the most gains by the end of the month would win the contest. Our trainer, Robin Johnson Jr., a very smart man, said there was no way in hell he would judge that competition, but said the other trainers at the gym would score us at the end of the month.
Yesterday I posted this picture:

Yesterday evening Obidia sent me this picture:

With the caption, “I’m gunning for you.”
Oh man, she’s killing me! In defense of my own arms though, I’m sure they are much stronger than they look and are just hiding under a layer of birthday cake. (Yes, there was another birthday party yesterday and this one involved parents drinking beer while their kids bowled…)
So, after seeing her pic when I woke up, guess who went into the garage to do curls? #TheMonthIsn’tOverYetObidia!
Spinning Out of Control
Another humbling setback was when I went to open pole at ATX and saw another Level 1 competitor practice her routine. OMG she was doing full splits in 6″ heels and every crazy flexibility hold and spin you could imagine.
My routine includes glorified fireman spins and the like because that’s my skillset level. I almost dropped out I felt so bad. What’s the point of being embarrassed in a public venue?
But I’m not going to drop out because a) she’s in a different category than me and b) the only way you improve is if you stick with something.
Here’s an video of my practice. (By the way, I’m on Instagram as LisaTraugott if you would like to give me some Instalove and follow me. I’ll follow you back!)
Reality checks hurt the ego, but they are useful. I still have time to turn things around for myself. Regarding pole – I need to practice more. OK, I can’t do Cirque du Soleil tricks yet, but I can make sure the spins I can do look polished.
Regarding the bicep competition – Stepping up my game now will just push me that much closer to my ultimate goal of winning my pro card this fall.
How about you? Do comparisons bring you down or motivate you to step up your game?
Lisa 😉
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. Her book, “She’s Losing It!” is available at Amazon.com.
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Obidia looks super fit, but so do you. You placed third, girl! Don’t be too hard on yourself. If she’s motivating you that’s great. You’re both motivating me!
Ah, thanks. My goal is to finish stronger than I started…and beat Obidia.