Mud, Poles and Feeling a Tad Viral
So, usually my Facebook Page gets friendly traffic rates of 100-300 views per post. (Thank you 100-300 readers! I love you!) My latest post, A Taste of Victory and the Morning After, has had surprising traction – over 2,600 views! This seems to me clear evidence that although people of the internet like pictures of ground turkey and asparagus, they love pictures of women in bikinis holding swords. I will have to keep this in mind to improve my Klout score.

No rest for the wicked; now that #TexasShredder is done it’s time to move on to my next fitness goals:
- Spartan Race with my family in May. My husband and I will run the Spartan Sprint (3-5 miles, 15+ obstacles) in the morning and my children will run the Spartan Kids in the afternoon (1/2 mile, 10+ obstacles).
- Audition videos for Miss Texas Pole Star in June (see how this fitness goal potentially ties in nicely with improving my Klout score?)
Pole Fitness Competition last year (I won 2nd place – Novice)
Both of these goals require me to focus on my upper body strength, which I will start doing on Thursday, and of course pole fitness dance classes which start next week. Yay!
Side goal: This year I started taking a ton of little videos with my phone. Now that my bodybuilding competition is done and most of my work is caught up, I’m going to focus on editing them again. I still have to post the videos of my show prep for the Arnold Amateur and have some funny footage of my kids training for the Spartan Kids. And, of course, I can only imagine the bloopers that will come from my attempts at pole dancing. #Klout
Anyway, those are my next fitness goals. What are yours?
Lisa 😉
FYI – Full disclosure about the Spartan Race – I got a free admission to run the race in exchange for blogging about it, but I paid full fees for my kids to do the Spartan Kids race.
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. She offers some advice she learned losing 50 lbs. by doing a bikini competition, including the diet she followed in her new book.
Check out what the Statesman Social calls “The Best New Year/New You Motivational Book!” “She’s Losing It!” which is available at (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, video, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
Love your book and blog! How do you recommend a person get started till they find and can afford a good trainer? I have the basics of the gym down but that’s not enough nor do I really know what to do food wise besides cut out the sugar and crap. Even that doesn’t work which means I’m doing something wrong. I’m 5’5, about to turn 40, in good health besides overweight, and can hide my flab partially in clothes but I’m really mostly fat/no real muscle. I could probably lose 40 or so pounds but everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked. I’m not sure how I feel about training for a competition but it’s a real possibility if I can find the right support. I know it comes down to food and exercise. But there is some science behind it that I need because my attempts fail. The trainers I have met so far aren’t the answer. I know you can’t tell me exactly what to do but any tips while I look for my trainer would be greatly appreciated. Your book hints at what to do and is really motivational but doesn’t give me the answer of how to start on my own. I don’t want to keep putting it off. Thank you!
Hi Kristy,
Thanks so much for reading my book and blog! I’m glad you are interested in giving bodybuilding a try; I have found it to be a very rewarding sport. You bring up some good questions: how to start bodybuilding and how to choose the right trainer. I will answer those in future posts, so stay tuned! Also, my book “She’s Losing It!” is a memoir, so it’s my own story. For my next book I’m considering writing a How-To book, as lots of women have been asking me for more information to start their own journey. You are correct that sculpting your body comes down to the right diet and exercise. Have you tried the diet in the book? That’s a good starting point to get your body used to eating clean consistently. More posts to come and thanks for your comment!
Lisa 🙂