#Leg Day
Today was leg day. For those of you who have never done a leg workout, I want you to imagine balancing a Ford F-150 truck on your back, your legs collapsing beneath you, while your trainer shouts at you to stand back up 20 times.

Did I mention that my trainer can’t count? Like a normal person will say “1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10,” while my trainer Robin, will say, “1-1-1-that’s still 1 until you do it right-1-okay now it’s 2.” #IHateRobin
And then I got to walk all sassy in 5″ heels afterwards practicing my poses. That was my leg day. At 5 a.m. And this is what leg day looked like when I got home:

For those of you who are normal people who have never taken an ice bath, you fill the tub with lukewarm water, get in and then dump ice on yourself and sit there shivering for 20 minutes. In case you missed it, here is a close up of the ice again:

And then, this is followed up by:And that, my friends, is #LegDay. But you know what? If it helps me complete Operation Ass Lift in time for the Arnold, then I’m totally cool with it. #YayRobin
Oh! Reminder: If you would like a FREE copy of my book, “She’s Losing It!” then comment, tweet, post, etc.,
“I can’t wait to read #ShesLosingIt!”
by 8pm tomorrow. I will announce the winner on my birthday, Monday, February 2nd. Good luck and may your legs feel wonderful!
Lisa Traugott is a Mom’s Choice Award winning writer, fitness blogger, wife and mom of two. You can read more about her in her new book, “She’s Losing It!” available at Amazon.com.
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2015 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.
I have followed you for the past year, and I am always impressed and encouraged by your dedication. Love this blog!!!
Ah, thanks! You made my day
Thanks for the positive twist on a tough workout.
You’re welcome 🙂 I don’t mind hard work if it brings results.