#17 – Do Something Spiritual
A lot of times we narrowly define taking care of ourselves by eating well and exercising. While that’s good for your physical body, we are more than just skin and bones. How often do we take care of our spirit? Sunday’s task for the I’m Too Busy to Take Care of Myself Challenge was:
#17: Do Something Spiritual, however you define that.

Some people find their spirit through yoga or meditation; others by hiking through the mountains or staring at the ocean; I find mine through prayer. Whether you believe in God, or evolution, or any combination in between, sometimes it’s comforting to think that we are only a small piece of the world’s puzzle, and therefore should not get too bothered by our personal strife’s.
I did two spiritual things yesterday. My mother cannot move very well right now so I made arrangements with the church for her to receive communion each week at our house (I receive it too.) My mother always looks more relaxed after praying Sunday mornings.
The second spiritual thing I did was watch Joel Osteen, who is a preacher out of Houston whose sermons are televised Sunday mornings. As luck would have it, he was speaking about viewing your hardships as an opportunity to make you stronger and help you work on some of your character flaws in the process.
And I have to tell you – his sermon did raise my spirits. Because if hardships make you stronger, I will soon have the strength of Thor. Seriously, nothing has been going right for anyone in my family lately.
Before we left New Jersey, my best friend, Jenny, made a prayer shawl for my mom. It’s beautiful – dark blue and purple. During chemo the treatments make you cold, so patients are covered with heated blankets. My other friend, Carole, suggested we bring a special blanket to her infusions, and my mom has been wrapping herself in this shawl ever since.
If you are going through tough times right now, I’d like to share with you this prayer Jenny gave to my mom:
Prayer for Comfort

How about you? Have you done anything to lift your spirits lately?
ShesLosingIt.com (c) 2014 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission
I’m so glad that the prayer shawl is meaningful to you and brings you and your Mom comfort. I’m in a place in my life where religion is very important, and it’s made my life better. I want to share this with others, without being pushy. I joined the prayer-shawl-making ministry a few years ago, and really wanted to make one for your mom at this time.
To me, my religion does not promise to make all the problems go away (I haven’t won the lottery, my kids still misbehave, I still lose my temper and hunger, poverty and war still exist.) but believing and praying and doing religious things make it easier for me to get through, and see beyond my own troubles.
Keeping you and your mom in my prayers,
PS I’m FAMOUS! Someone blogged about me! ( see, I’m the same loopy chick, still ) squeeeeeeeee! I’m on the INTERNET!