Want a Great Book for your Kids?

Want a great book for kids? How about Mind Your Manners Minnie Monster! It is the story of Minnie, an anti-hero of sorts.
She’s not a very nice monster. She trips her friends, steals toys, picks her nose and after a while all the other monsters leave her alone. Will she decide to mind her manners and win back her friends?
Why not get a copy for only $8.95 on www.minniemonsters.com and find out? 🙂
Once upon a time I went to an Italian restaurant in NYC. While quietly eating a slice of lasagna my idyll was interrupted when a three-year-old boy flung a plate of spaghetti against the wall and shouted, “Mommy, I SAID NO!”
Minnie Monster was born that day. I had a lot of fun writing and illustrating it.
It won a Mom’s Choice Award, which I’m pretty proud about. We now use it as a catchphrase in our house when one of the kids is acting up. “Are you being a Minnie Monster?”
Thank you naughty three-year-old boy, whoever you are, for inspiring the story. And if you know any naughty children in your life, I hope you get them a copy of this book as a nice “reminder” gift.
Lisa 🙂
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.