TSNC – Athlete’s Meeting Part II

This is Dave Goodin. He is the person who created the Texas State Naturals Championship and Shredderbuilt competitions. As you can tell, he’s an award winning bodybuilder too.
As part of the athlete’s meeting last night, the poses were demonstrated for each division by a guest poser. Here are some of the poses to expect to see today.
The women guest posers were Bernadette and Downtown Julie Brown. (I’m pretty sure that’s not her real name though.) Downtown did the female bodybuilding and bikini poses and she was standing on her toes the whole time. Quite impressive!

Bernadette did the figure poses.

And here is our Head Judge, Tony Douglas, next to the scorekeeper, Elizabeth Becken. After the posing demonstrations were done we had to line up by division to register. Here is the line for figure.
All divisions had to bring their bikinis to make sure they weren’t too risque.
The men had to wear their posing suits and get weighed in too. When that was done we got our medals and goody bags. And we’re off!
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