October Goals
Here it is – one of the main reasons I started the bodybuilding journey…
My 20th High School Reunion is on Saturday!
My first goal is to have a really great time at the Notre Dame High School reunion and not kill my diet in the process. I also have to figure out my exercise schedule while I’m in New Jersey.
My second goal is to get organized. Fall is the perfect time to clean out the closets, file the piles of papers and establish some sort of system for the household. This is not really a fitness goal, just a strong desire to manage the chaos that is my household.
My third goal is to prep hardcore for the Texas State Naturals Championship. The bodybuilding aspect is on autopilot of sorts; I trust that Daniel is going to push me to my limits of strength building and will diet me down to 105 lbs. for the show. I think Mel is a really good posing coach and I just need to practice a lot to get my confidence up. To that end…I signed up on one of those Living Social online deals to take 5 pole dancing classes! If that won’t teach me how to have some serious sassiness I might as well throw in the towel.
What about you? What are your goals (fitness or otherwise) for October?
P.S. – Thank you Fitness Cheerleader for coming up with all the September Blogger Challenges!
Sheslosingit.net (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.