Marathon Kids

My kids are not the healthiest, which both my husband and I acknowledge.  Their weight is fine but as a family we don’t always make the best food choices and in general my kids spend too much time on the computer.  (True, they are playing academic games, but this should probably be limited to an hour a day from all I’ve been reading.)

Rather than dwell on mistakes, we’re doing something about it.  I signed us up through Rylee’s school to be a Marathon Kids Family.  It’s a really great program and it’s FREE.

Basically, your kid walks or runs an entire marathon (26.2 miles) incrementally over six months.  They get a food log (why not share the joy of the food log with the whole family, right?) prompting them to eat fruits, vegetables, and water daily and a mileage log where they walk or run a 1/4 of a mile until they have completed the full marathon.

If you live in Austin, the kick off walk will be on Saturday September 29, 2012 (9 am for Austin ISD, 11 am for all other districts) at UT’s Mike Myers Stadium, 707 Clyde Littlefield Drive, Austin, TX.

This program is in other states as well.  If you are interested, check out or

Keep fit Mama!

Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott.  All rights reserved.  No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

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