Progress Pics – 7 Weeks to Go and I’m Freaking Out
7 weeks until the Texas State Naturals Championship and I’m freaking out a little because the competition is becoming more real to me now.
My 20th high school reunion is in 3 weeks (gulp!) and it will be a challenge to keep up the clean eating and exercise schedule while traveling with two small children, staying with my fast food/fried chicken/chocolate-loving mother in NJ, and visiting with old friends while surrounded by cocktails and hotel food I’m not supposed to touch.
Candy has been forbidden from the house until the day before trick or treating. My husband has been given strict instructions to hide the bags from me. And I can’t help thinking, “why on earth did I sign up for a bikini competition three days after Halloween?”
Well, I guess this will be the year my kids finally get to discover what Reese’s peanut butter cups taste like because I won’t be stealing it from their pumpkin bags. (Yeah, I’m that mom.)
On the plus side, I finally am fit enough to feel comfortable buying and wearing a slutty Halloween costume! That said, I have kids, so at best my costume can only be rated PG. Well, PG-13 maybe…Ima be a zombie cheerleader. Boo!
Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.