New Motivation

Happy Birthday, Mommy!
Happy Birthday, Mommy!

There are “apple shaped” people.  There are dreaded “pear shapes” too.  My shape?  Bun-in-the-oven.  For real.  I’m one of those chicks who always looks just slightly pregnant.  You think I’m kidding?  Check out the birthday card my daughter, Rylee, made for me last year.

Note:  At the time of this drawing no babies had been swimming inside my womb for at least 2 1/2 years.  Also, I have no idea what spiders have to do with my birthday but she was only four when she drew it, so back off, ok? 😉

The pregnancy looking thing is genetic on my father’s side.  The Vikings must have needed the fat storage for long trips on the sea to pillage distant lands and my body never got the tweet that we have grocery stores now and there is no need to make my stomach a holding station for unused energy.  *Sigh*

If you’ve been reading this blog you know I’ve been in an epic battle since Halloween, fighting the “pound of flesh” holiday weight gain that most adults get between Thanksgiving and New Years.  (Being an overachiever, I get a head-start on this weight gain and start excessive eating around mid-October.)  But not this year!  No!  I vowed to fight it!  Came up with strategies to avoid overeating at parties.  Found “clean eating” chocolate chip quinoa cookie recipes.  Read about Japanese psychologist theories of the 1920’s and tried to apply them to my life.

And still I gained weight.

I’m now down to 117.  I only have one more pound to go.  There is also only one day left in the year.  Hmmmpf.

I had mentally let myself off the hook when I smelled my husband cooking the bacon.  After all, I’m going to be training for the Texas Shredder.  I know that I will be back to my competitive weight by April.  So who cares if I gained one pound over the holidays?  Last year I was 150 pounds with 29% body fat (which, not to brag but, is borderline obese,) so I was smacking my lips getting ready for some bacon before booty camp.

And then it happened.  “Mommy, what’s in your belly?  Do I have a sister in there?”


So I’m eating my Old Fashioned oatmeal and egg whites and pouting about it right now.

How about you?  Where do you gain your weight?  Did anyone ever ask you if you were pregnant when you weren’t?

Lisa (c) 2012 Lisa Traugott. All rights reserved. No portion of this blog, including any text, photographs, and artwork, may be reproduced or copied without written permission.

12 thoughts on “New Motivation

  1. Ok sorry, but I laughed out loud. That is awesome.
    My weight resides in my belly and butt…..ok and my boobs. However, even when I was a size 5 – I had Ds. Grrr….can you say give me a breast reduction?
    When I was nursing they were enormous. My oldest used them like a punching bag whilst my hubby watched Rocky once. I stopped him right away…..but dang it.

  2. I gain all in the tummy and thighs/butt. Grr!!! Never was mistaken to be pregnant but I once asked someone who wasn’t. Felt awful and never asked anyone again.
    Loved this post!

  3. Ouch! Nothing like a little accountability from your daughter. 😉 My fat goes to my thighs, booty and my hips first. I wish it would move up to my boobs but that’s never been the case. I’m Latina so I get bottom heavy.

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